Monday, April 25, 2011

Lundi Links: Funny

Here are a few things on the 'net that consistently make me laugh. has a perfect eye for the absurd. The creator is the lady from this and several other funny commercials: is a real agent's mental responses to real queries. is a chronicle of a young girl's responses to her professional-artist dad's drawings. It is rarely updated, but maybe it is new to you. shows pictures of signs all over the place that misuse quotation marks, and a brief response about what they really mean. is just a really good, funny blog.

On, people send in things they really overheard. From there, using the colored rectangles, you can find Overheard at the Beach, Overheard at the Office, Overheard Everywhere, and Celebrity Wit.

Enjoy! Next Monday will bring links in a new category.

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