Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Lenten Devotion

There's a problem with this scheme that I didn't foresee. I pledged to blog every day, which I have for the most part. But it turns out I don't have the urge to blog every day. While I have plenty to share, recountings and observations that are fine in ordinary time seem a little limp when the blog is supposed to be all spiritual and Lent-y. I've just put off writing this post in no less than four ways.

But this is not a loss. It's a lesson. Devotion, as I've said in different words before, means you do something not because you always want to. You do it because you promised to do it, because it shapes you, because it is an expression of something important. Everything I've heard about marriage says you can't expect to feel those sparks of love and lust all the time, but you can't get a divorce every time you feel annoyed with your spouse. Likewise, I come to this blog because it's a place for my reflections on Lent, not because I woke up this morning thinking, "Ooh, let's blog!" So here I am, in spite of my own wishes, wrapping up quickly so I can find those online jigsaw puzzles, but here and happy to be writing.

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