Saturday, April 16, 2011

Home Again, Home Again

I got back this evening from a great time in Austin. Everyone there was extremely fun and nice. If I had to name a favorite part, it would be the Shabbat service we went to because one of the APTS students came in as a Unitarian but has now become part of a Jewish congregation. The rabbi was like a more down-to-earth version of Ben Stiller's character in Keeping the Faith. He was also an extremely good cantor. Hauntingly so.

Austin is basically equal to Richmond in the level of fun and the way I feel when there. Since Richmond has more logistical elements going for it, it's still ahead. I'm not turning in the papers for a few days because it took a while for things to sink in and clarify after the last trip, but I feel pretty confident about the decision.

This whole journey of exploring seminaries has been amazing for many, many reasons. One that just hit me today is that when I go to these schools and meet students, I'm meeting the future leaders of the church, my future colleagues, the people I will run into at conferences and collaborate with and pray for as we continue to learn and teach and lead. What a great privilege, even so early in the process.

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