Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Ladies and gentlemen, for the first time, I have been majorly spammed. Did I click on anything suspicious? Not that I remember. However it happened, it did. So, please, please, please do not click on any links you receive in emails from me in the next couple of days. Ugh, I just feel icky, like I need another shower. Gross. Also, I do not know much about spam, so I did only what Google prompted me to do, which was just change my password. It's crazy awesome and un-guessable now. Is there anything else I need to do? Please let me know if you get any other sketch-o emails from me, and I apologize a lot if the episode has affected your account or computer at all. 

I checked my work email before my personal one this morning, like a good little drone, and when I saw an email from myself, my stomach really dropped. Then when I checked my gmail, nearly every message was from someone who'd gotten a slice of spam from me. It was actually kind of nice to see the names of so many people who are in my contacts but whom I hadn't talked to in a while.

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