Saturday, February 13, 2010

It won't be long before we'll all be there with snow

SNOW! I want to wash my hands, my face and hair, with snow.

It's already mostly melted, but what a thrill while it was here! My meeting this morning wasn't canceled, but the roads were fine. The only danger was that the stoplights were full of snow! Most of them you could see OK, but it makes me think they ought to redesign those suckers.

I got most of next week's work done last night, making way for lots of thesis work today and throughout the week during the times when I'd normally do all that other stuff. It feels pretty good, but weird since I haven't looked at the thesis in a long time. I hope to make this a pattern, though. I look forward to my week-plus in Seagrove/Badin over Spring Break, but I don't want to make it so the whole thing rides on that. The draft is due pretty soon after.

My peers' work in the Novel class is so extremely good. It's sometimes like reading for pleasure, even more this week than usual. I'm so luckly to be surrounded by so much talent.

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