Wednesday, July 15, 2009

There's something to be said for visiting with babies and lounging with cats, listening to the John Prine CD Jenny made me for days on end in the car. I made zucchini brownies today and am about to take them to the home of an incoming student for a pot-luck. VBS isn't as fun as camp, but I'm enjoying it. I never get tired of the view from my new place. I just wish everyone I love or like could come visit at the same time, so I could gloat and they could catch me up. I finally got some furniture lined up where it's going to go, art supplies in the drawers. The desk is still in the car but ready to come up whenever I want. Once it's in place, everything else will fall together: a place to write will mean more writing, and an open floor will mean taking up yoga again, or my casual version of yoga.

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